Feb 7, 2023 

Feb 7, 2023

When Grace Comes In

How do you manage change? We are all challenged by larger life changes yet we are always in transition. “Only those who are at home in themselves are ready for change.” writes Thomas Hübl, PhD, a modern day mystic who teaches the interconnectedness of our individual, ancestral and collective trauma and how healing one aspect affects the others.

How do you handle feeling untethered? In our culture we navigate large changes with ritual.

We come together. Meaningful religious or spiritual ceremony accompanies social celebrations. We have baptisms and welcoming parties for birth; commencements for school graduations; wedding ceremonies and receptions for marriage; wake, funeral services, and celebrations of life for death; parties for birthdays.

When we come together we open space for the magic of grace to enter our lives. We can identify and use the wisdom from our larger transitions as a roadmap for noticing the magic in everyday challenges and then develop everyday rituals which will support us more easily managing the larger challenges of our life.

Join us this month to Access The Grace in Transitions for a deep journey into the magic available to us everyday in the fertile void where creativity lives. We will explore the dynamics of grace, the biology of presence and the way our experience is colored by our past

brain wiring, our dna and ancestral and collective cultural story. We’ll examine emotions and the processes of grief, shared death experiences (SDE) and using intention to unfold our purpose and create the life we want. We don’t have to wait for the big life transitions for grace to happen.

While I have not yet returned to live Friday Settling Sessions, you can still access the library of past sessions here.

One of the ways to create a framework for your inner journey is to expand awareness of your history. DNA Repatterning is a tool I offer to support this. It is extremely helpful in identifying and clearing old patterns that keep us stuck with physical and emotional wounds. Clearing allows us to create a new story and begin to manifest healing or open to a new life direction

May we all be guided by the wisdom of our hearts and find support in our shared experience.