DNA Repatterning

DNA Repatterning


Ancestral DNA Repatterning is about identifying the 'ancestral story' held in the energetics of our DNA which is interfering with the unfolding of life purpose.  This manifests as a current health or life issue which is  keeping us stuck.

Drawn from the pioneering work of Margaret Ruby (The DNA of Healing), and Bruce Lipton (The Biology of Belief), this elegantly simple process uncovers the theme, and it's underlying emotional and archetypal energy interference pattern based on an ancestral survival strategy.  This leads to the discovery of the unconscious emotional program and belief playing out in our current life story.  Once this becomes clear we have the ability to see with a new perspective, create a change of heart and neutralize the emotions which created the energetic interference pattern.  We are then free to create a new story. 

DNA Repatterning can be done  or as part of a full in-person session.