Healing/Wellness Sessions


I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides.  I honor that place in you of love, of light, of truth and of peace.  I honor that place in you, where if you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me, there is only one of us.



My life has modeled a healing journey… Always seeking to heal from my own trauma and pain and then learning to integrate what I have learned.  Unfolding my life’s purposes has brought me to a greater ability to be present to others and to practice the skill of relationship as I have learned to be in more compassionate relationship to myself. 

My Healing/Wellness Sessions reflect this process.  Each session is unique,  and while I have listed a number of the trainings and certifications I have taken over the past 40 years, my session work is about PRESENCE.  Even before we engage together to identify your needs, I am listening with my intuitive presence to your soul’s voice, seeking a larger relational field,  in a sense “reading you” and inviting guidance to facilitate your session.  Then the ‘therapy techniques’ incorporate a larger field of support. 

Our GOAL together is to bring  your conscious awareness into recognition of your inherent health, your inner guiding, healing presence to reveal any blocks to healing, then expanding awareness of your own internal process by helping you to become more ‘self’ aware and body conscious.  When appropriate, imagery, sound/vibration and touch complement and support your experience of inner physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing and well-being.

Wellness is a Choice.  Healing arises from an attitude of Self-Awareness and Self-Responsibity.  We must CHOOSE consciously how we want to live. 

If we listen, what can't we learn from a heartbeat?