Cra-ni-o-sa-cral Ther-a-py

There is a way between speech and presence where information flows.   In disciplined silence,  it opens. In wandering talk, it closes.  13th Centuru Poet RUMI


Cra·ni·o·sa·cral Ther·a·py

Described as “the healing power of a gentle touch',

Craniosacral Therapy is a highly effective light-touch therapy that works with the whole body and the source of pain and dysfunction simultaneously. With CST and given proper support, the body will heal itself, creating a custom solution to any problem that is causing discomfort. Therapists place their hands over the area of the body that is most related to the source of the problem. For an expanded discussion read more here

The 13th century poet Rumi said, ’There is a way between
speech and presence where information flows. In disciplined silence, it opens. In wandering talk, it closes.’

When I get silent, the channel opens. On a good day I’m picking up information with my inner ear. I’m sensing the client’s soul journey with my own heart and soul. And I’m doing my best through tactile and
verbal means to help my client regain their inner path."

What CST can help:

How Does It Work?

CrainioSacral Therapists are trained to feel and monitor changes in the body’s tissues and enhance the deeper healing rhythms expressed by the body’s innate wisdom. In the process of monitoring, therapists’ hands follow and support changes in the client’s body as they occur rather than moving a person’s body in any given direction to follow a protocol. This is the principal difference between CST and most other therapeutic types of bodywork.

Health, wellness and joy lie behind the life story held in the body as tension, pain and all symptoms of chronic illness. Craniosacral therapy is not so much a “doing to” therapy as a partnering with you and your body’s wisdom to explore and open a unique healing process. CST teaches you to develop a “felt sense” of your body, to learn to dialog with your body’s inner wisdom, to listen and respond to your unique inner resource and potency in a safe, supportive space. Symptoms can then begin to resolve and true healing unfolds. This learned body awareness then becomes a lifelong resource to find and maintain health.

Somato-Emotional Release

Somato-Emotional Release  (SER) is an aspect of CranioSacral work grounded in Gestalt Therapy, Psycho-Synthesis and Imagery techniques.  The emotions of distressing and traumatic experiences unable to be fully resolved in the moment are 'held' in the body neurologicaly or energetically until we have the resource to attend to them and give them expression.  During wellness/healing sessions imagery and touch guide and support these emotions/energies to express and release allowing clarity, awareness and healing to unfold. 

For more information, please view the documentary: TOUCH, The Healing legacy of Dr. John E. Upledger

Also Available for patients:
Easy to understand explanations about the CranioSacral System, research articles and case studies, Visceral Manipulation, products to use between sessions, and much more. More information